Wicked simon & games of the heart.

Think about it , it'll be long gone before anything has just started.

is this all worth while . or will it end up like the trays of diamond found in a seattle suburb which turns out to be plastic jewellry.

i know i want this . i can perceive this more than anybody else do.

but hindrance , impediments seem to slow me down , in a more rapid manner compared to struggling in quicksand.

no this is not love , its amity , adoration , to get butterflies in my tummy and sunshines and rainbows around me when triggered .

how can something unviable seem to have intent . forgive me for being stalwart.

get this over and done with - simon sniggers .

*thart aeis arbsolutely drudful .

im realized i have no warmth @ 10:15 PM