he wouldnt know.

dismayed with an ugly baby.

show all your anger for me for saying this but the baby was horrifying .

he looked like he came out of the dollar store as a reject .

firstly hes around 3-4 years old.

he has a head so big , you can fit a plane in there and there's still place for the passengers.

now then , he has lazy eyes . he looks at me but actually hes looking at whats behind him.

he has lips which cannot even close even when he tries to.

the opposite of korean people's eyes where the eyes are too small and trying to open , this poor boy is trying to close.

hes forehead and eyes are so far apart you can use it as a shade to block th afternoon sun.

finally , he has eye which when i looked into , a distant memory of someone whom i'd seen before.

this boy , is bound to be ugly and screwed.

i feel sorry for him ; so does lydia .

im sure there're many worst out there but this particular malay baby is the ugliest one i've ever seen in my life.

and dont be mistaken , im a huge fan for babies .

normally they should be cute , but in special cases like this ..

you might find this , hurtful , or a joke , but im not laughing abt it.

i genuinely feel dreadfully sorry for that poor baby .

i dont know the reception hes going to get once he steps to society.

i cant wait to see him in 10 years.

he might look like my neighbour's pitbull .
im realized i have no warmth @ 6:43 PM