powderpuff me.

blame it all on the movies .

i pretty well admit what paul ; my marketing faci described me as , something out of the ordinary yet i know i am.

a headache like me put to good use will do the world a great deed. LIKE NARUTO :D

ability of mind manipulation .
well i made it sound like this legendary most awesome of awesomeness power .
its basically just charismatic influence .

i made it sound appealing again .
okay let me cut it down to the simplest form of explanation .
i can play with your brain .

thats about it , it sounds plain rude but \m/

its all about psychological power .

i wont open my mouth and tell people im smart or im able to play with their brain . nobody would want to be my friend .

i wouldnt go around saying im an introvert because no introvert says they ARE introverts .

its games like our primary school times "zha" . the one with the cannon , human , and rock .

and even drinking games like 5-10 .

it has always benefited me in all ways and senses .

another source of this , are movies like SAW , red dragon , silence of the lambs , manhunter , they jolly well thought me how to be .. cunning .

no , you wont hate me after reading this because you'd probably guess im spouting rubbish .

maybe i am.

im realized i have no warmth @ 11:01 PM